One of the most important responsibilities parents have is to teach their children. Kids are taught by various sources as they grow up. These sources include teachers, coaches, and even peers. If parents leave the majority of the learning of their children up to these other sources, their children will have a great disadvantage when it comes to their learning and understanding. Parents need to teach what they want their children to know. They should not give that control over to someone else, who may feed their children a great deal of false information.
One focus of parents’ teachings to their children should be on sexuality. It is quite common for parents to avoid talking to their children about sexuality. Sometimes this is because they feel uncomfortable, or maybe they do not understand the importance of it, or they think they can leave it up to others to teach them. If parents avoid this responsibility, however, their children could have a misunderstanding and confusion about sexuality and the purposes of sex.
When parents leave the teaching of sexuality to their children up to another source, misunderstandings are bound to happen. Let’s look at schools for example. When I was a fifth and sixth grader, we watched two different films on the maturation of our bodies. I don’t remember anything that was taught in those films. It wouldn’t surprise me if other children didn’t remember them either. This is why parents need to be involved in the teaching of their children. Parents can help children better understand what they learned in school, and this way, when their children are 16 or 17 years old and can’t remember about the videos they watched in elementary school, or their health classes in junior high, they can talk to their parents and better understand.
Another popular source that gives out less than true information, are children’s peers. Children are naturally curious, and if they feel that they cannot go to their parents to talk about sexuality, they will go to their friends. This can be extremely harmful, as friends often have the same level of understanding as the children.
Parents should begin teaching their children about sexuality when they are quite young, even toddler age. The teachings should be developmentally appropriate, but they could teach about their bodies and how sacred they are. The teachings can become more in depth as children grow older and gain a greater understanding.
Talking about sex should not be something that is awkward or uncomfortable. Sex is sacred. It isn’t naughty or dirty. This act should only take place between a husband and wife who are legally married because of its sacred nature. Sex is the means by which life is created and it strengthens the relationship between husband and wife. When we talk about sex, we should focus on its importance to our lives, but also how beautiful and sacred it is, when used correctly.
It is quite common for parents to teach that sex is a bad thing until after marriage. Many children grow up with the idea that sex is a sin and that it shouldn’t ever be discussed. When children grow up with this mindset, it is difficult to think of sex as anything other than naughty and sinful, even after marriage. After I got married, it was extremely difficult for me to think of sex as a good thing. I was uncomfortable talking about it, and I felt like a sinner. I didn’t understand the importance of sex and the positive purpose of sex for my marriage relationship. With more learning and understanding, I have been able to move past this mindset.
Sex is a sacred blessing, and it should be treated as such. Parents should teach their children about sexuality and help them understand the purposes and blessings of sex. As children understand and implement these teachings in their own lives, it will be a blessing to many generations, and it will help create happy homes.
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